Trump's 'Criminal Alien' Hotline Is Getting the Shit Trolled Out of It With Reports Of Space Aliens and Bigfoot

"An orange colored, toupee wearing alien in a bathrobe has been spotted at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave."

During Donald Trump's first joint address to members of congress, the president announced the creation of VOICE — Victims Of Immigration Crime Engagement — an office for people to report crimes committed by undocumented people. 

On Wednesday, his administration announced the opening of the VOICE office as well as the hotline to be used for citizens to report all crimes. 

The plan seemingly backfired when people started calling the line to report extraterrestrial and paranormal sightings. 

  • People in opposition to the agency felt it would unfairly target those suspected to be illegal immigrants

  • Soon, the act of calling the hotline to report alien activity became a trend

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  • Episode plots of 'The X-Files' were frequently used as a template

  • Bigfoot sightings were also brought into the mix

  • Some even trolled the president and first lady

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  • The hotline has been so flooded with erroneous calls that the wait time was reportedly 20 minutes

  • The high volume of prank calls has been condemned by Immigration officials

    "There are certainly more constructive ways to make one’s opinions heard than to prevent legitimate victims of crime from receiving the information and resources they seek because the lines are tied up by hoax callers," an ICE spokesperson told BuzzFeed News. "We will adjust resources, if necessary, to ensure that the victims for whom this office and hotline is intended get the info and resources they need."

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