Idris Elba Shares How His Daughter Didn’t Talk To Him After Not Landing A Part In His Upcoming Film ‘Beast’

The film hits theatres on August 19.

Idris Elba wasn’t in good standings with his daughter Isan at one point due to her not landing the role to play his daughter onscreen in his new film Beast.

The actor appeared on The Breakfast Club with Will Packer to promote the film and shared with the hosts his 20-year-old daughter didn’t speak to him for three weeks after learning she didn’t land the role as one of the daughters in the movie.

“The relationship in the film and the relationship between my daughter was, the chemistry wasn’t right for film,” he shared with the hosts.

Isan found out she didn’t land the role after receiving a call from Packer, who produced the film, which affected their relationship for a bit.

“I called and talked to her, ’cause I’ve known her for a very long time, you know what I mean,” Packer shared.

“I’m like ‘Uncle Will.’ That’s like my little niece, you know, and she’s amazing. He (Idris) auditioned with her, he was very tough on her. Listen, at the end of the day we’re going to make the best decision for the movie. I trust you, Will, trust the director,’ and she was very good, very close.”

Elba continued and shared he and his daughter were able to “work through” this moment and she was “very gracious” for the opportunity.

“We got through that you know and I’m really proud of her to go through that, not get the role, but still come to the premiere,” he said.

The film hits theaters August 19.

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