'Power' Fans Are Heated Over The Death Of Kanan

"How Kanan is dead before Dre is beyond me," one person tweeted.

Part of the reason Power is such a popular show is because it’s so unpredictable.

  • Week-to-week, fans go in thinking anything can happen, and now that notion is really testing viewers, who are stunned after the Starz show’s latest episode.

    *SPOILER ALERT*: On Season 5, Episode 8, Kanan got the strap rather than pulling it on someone else. 50 Cent’s character was killed by police during a shootout after escaping the handcuffs placed on him. He was being arrested after a day of teaching Tariq St. Patrick how to sell drugs.

    Kanan tells police they can search his trunk and when they do, the weapon used to kill Ray Ray is discovered (planted by Tariq at the order of his mom Tasha). Kanan doesn’t know that Tasha called the police to report that Tariq is missing and he corroborates her story when found by authorities.

    It’s what ultimately leads to the insane shootout with police. Kanan, who was wielding two guns, shot and killed all officers on the scene before getting shot in the stomach by one of them and dying while trying to escape in one of the cop cars.

    Kanan’s death is subsequently confirmed during a scene showing Tommy and Ghost looking at the main character’s dead body at the morgue. Is this really the end of Kanan? How could Fif take himself out of his own show?

  • Here's how it went down

  • Most people were really confused as to why Kanan was the one to go

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  • Some actually found his death justified

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  • Others are wondering where Power will go from here

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  • The theories though...

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  • Next week's episode can't come soon enough. Hopefully, we don't get another gap between episodes like last week.

    Seriously though 50, this is how this season's going to play out? What do you think? Is Kanan really gone? What do you think's going to happen next? Let us know in the comment section below.

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