Watch: Trump Protests Are Sweeping the Country

New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and more are saying #NotMyPresident.

America woke up on Wednesday morning and realized that the nightmare of Donald Trump winning the presidential election wasn't going away.
Thousands of Americans in many different cities across the country have taken to the streets to protest a presidency that the majority of the country did not want.

It is yet to be seen if this is a flash in the pan or a preview of things to come, but at the moment, tensions remain incredibly high as people young and old, Black and white are forcing the President Elect to hear their voices.

From coast to coast people have taken to the streets, and while the revolution may not be televised, it will certainly be tweeted.

The anger and passion in Los Angeles was palpable.

Thousands in Chicago have taken to protest Trump right outside his sky-scraper hotel, including an appearance by Lady Gaga.

The same occured in New York City, where protestors flooded the streets of Manhattan.

Similar sentiments are not only boiling over in major cities, but across college campuses as well.

It's clear that while the voting is over, the impact of this election cycle is from from finished. The anger and separation that people felt two days ago still exists in a big way.

Hopefully this is just the beginning, as the fight for the country we believe in is far from over.

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