GOP Candidate Depicts Obama As Captain of a Slave Ship

Mark Oxner says the administration is enslaving America's children in debt.

In the category of "politicians do and say the craziest things," Mark Oxner, a candidate running for Congress in Florida, released a campaign video this week that is meant to attack his opponent former Rep. Alan Grayson, but takes direct aim at President Obama, depicting him as the captain of a ship that enslaves children.

Titled “Turn This Ship Around,” the 30-second video shows alleged beneficiaries of Obama policies and initiatives, including the Affordable Care Act, the bank bailout plan that actually was enacted before the president took office, and a solar company that political observers know is a sly reference to Solyndra, the solar panel company that filed for bankruptcy after receiving more than $500 million in guaranteed loans, which the administration had supported.

But below deck are several unhappy children chained to oars as if they are on a slave galley. A “progressive slave driver” shouts, “Earn, earn, earn! Don’t you care about the banks? Don’t you care about the 99 percent? Earn, earn, earn!”

In a press release, Oxner says the ad is “funny and powerful, and demonstrates metaphorically exactly what’s wrong with President Obama and progressive parrots like Alan Grayson.” He also said he’ll be releasing similar ads in the coming months and hopes his colleagues around the nation will do the same.

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(Photo: Mark Oxner Campaign)

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