Interview With Jacque Edmonds Cofer

The producer of <i>Let's Stay Together</i> talks about the drama-filled season two finale and what possible storylines might come to light in season three.

Charles caught lying? Tasha accepting a car ride from Troy? Darkanian has a boyfriend?  Let's Stay Together once again leaves fans with a cliffhanger ending, only this time with even more questions.

Speaking over the phone, touched base with the show's producer Jacque Edmonds Cofer, who helped clear the air about this season and gave us some insight into season three.

Comparing this season to last, which one did you have more fun with?

Well, actually, I think we had more fun with this season because last season there was really only one big issue, which was Charles running out on his wedding. Why did he do that and what’s going to happen. This time we set up three for each one of the couples that [are] still existing, we have Charles and Stacy facing Charles’ dishonesty, we have Jamal and Tasha where she’s facing a dilemma about what to do — it’s a tough dilemma that she tried to meet her husband’s expectations by getting home on time, but in order to do that she has to ride with her ex, who she just sued for sexual harassment. On Crystal’s side, she’s actually going to be faced with the decision coming at the top of next season whether or not to be a fake girlfriend for Darkanian in order for him to continue to keep playing football. So we’ve got three dilemmas instead of one.

What about Kita and Micah — do we see that expanding anymore?

We probably will bring him back next season. Just because of Kita’s personality, I don’t think she would take him back. But we’ll definitely have that to play with as well.

Was it intentional for every female character to face this type of adversity come the end of this season? It seems that before the last three episodes, everyone seemed content.

That was intentional, because I think in relationships you can be happy one [minute] and in the next two hours the playing field is totally shifted. Whether it’s something you did, in Tasha’s case, or something your partner did, in Charles and Stacy’s case. So you never know in relationships — even the most stable — what’s coming around the corner. And just because it’s TV, we’re able to do it with all three characters at the same time.

Temptation seemed to be a central theme this season. Do you think most couples go through this when they start their marriage?

I think everyone in a relationship has different temptations. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a romantic temptation. I think the overall theme that we started with at the beginning of the season, and will continue to play out, is the love versus money temptation — which is certainly what Tasha and Jamal are going through. Which is what is more important: your relationship or your other career or your financial interest? I think we’re going to see the same thing with Crystal as we go forward. With Charles and Stacy it’s less the actual temptation but more of “Who has the final say in your behavior: you or your partner?” Stacy told Charles not to do something and he was strong willed enough to go ahead and do it. And now he’s gotten caught up. And in that situation we’ll get out of the sort of male/female temptation pretty quickly, because nothing really happened. Same thing with Tasha and Jamal. In a relationship where two people have different ideas about what should happen, how do you resolve that?

About the twist with Darkanian. Is this something you had in mind for a while? There seems to be a greater underlying social message.

It is something we had in mind for a while. Again, it’s more Darkanian’s dilemma. He’s not a main character, but it’s how it plays out with a lot of our characters. It’s about the difficulties sometimes of being who you really are.

There seems to be a cyclical nature of the characters in season one and season two. For example, Jamal and Tasha were married before Charles and Stacy, setting a template for their marriage. Do we see that happening in season three? Maybe Kita settles down? Maybe Darkanian marries his boyfriend? What do you think?

I think we will see a wedding in season three. I don’t know if it’s a permanent marriage. Most times the ultimate situation in a relationship is some sort of marriage. I don’t think the show will ever be four happy couples. I think we want to explore all the different permutations of relationships. Kita and Crystal still definitely have a lot of dating life in them.

Will we see more of Jackie Long (Micah), Kali Hawk (Connie) or Christian Keyes (Troy) next season?

I definitely hope so! We’ve had the privilege of having some really great guest stars that really vibe with our characters and vibe with the audience. So to the extent that we can weave them in and out of the storyline going forward, I’d absolutely love to do that.

(Photo: Derek White Photography)

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