Ryan Leslie Backs Out of Reward for Recovered Laptop

The producer is now being sued by the person who returned it.

According a lawsuit suit filed in New York, Ryan Leslie has backed out of a reward promise for anyone who returned his missing laptop. The producer's MacBook went missing on October 23, 2010 after it was taken from the back of his Mercedes in Cologne, Germany during a European tour. Leslie promised $20,000 to whomever found it and later raised the reward to $1 million.

In the court filing, Armin Augstein says he's tried to claim the reward after he found the laptop in a park a month later, but that the musician has yet to make good on his word. Augstein is now seeking his million dollar reward plus interest.

"It's unfortunate that my client has to go to such lengths to recover the reward," Michael Fischman, Augstein's U.S.-based lawyer, tells the New York Daily News.

(Photo: Toby Canham/GettyImages)

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