Can You Spot Everything Hilariously Wrong With This Woman’s Viral Bathroom Selfie?
Who designed this bathroom?!
For every person who comments on a bathroom selfie with a mouth watering emoji, there is a person scrutinizing the details of the background.
Last Thursday, Paula Sophia Garcia Espino learned you can't hide room design flaws from people on Twitter, no matter how gorgeous the photo.
Espino tweeted a bathroom selfie from her vacation in Mexico
Notice anything odd?
But why is the toilet paper so far from the toilet, which is above a towel rack and beneath an outlet?
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While there were three main issues with the room, many people fond the toilet paper location to be the biggest flaw
Quickly, the comment section of Espino's photo became the beginning of an episode of Fixer Upper
Before you have a heart attack, Espino did eventually explain some of the bathroom quirks
In an interview with Buzzfeed News, Espino explained the bathroom selfie is from her aunt's house in Mexico. While she said it is annoying to use the outlet by the door, she confirmed there is another roll toilet paper closer to the actual place of business.
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