5 Life Lessons You Can Learn From Watching ‘Tyler Perry’s Sistas’

Sometimes, you can walk away with nuggets of wisdom from fictional shows.

It’s hard to watch any tv show without considering how the scenarios and characters could apply to your real-life situation, especially when it’s a show like Sistas. Andi, Danni, Fatima, Sabrina, and by extension, Gary are always getting into life-related shenanigans. Sometimes things they bring on themselves, and some things happen because life can be random. However, do they ever really learn? It doesn’t seem like it. But if they did, then there would be no show, right?

What things have you picked up from the show that may have helped you? If you still need to think about that, here are five lessons you can learn from watching Sistas.

5 Reasons Why The 'Sistas' Should Consider The Single Life

1. Know When to Walk Away From a Relationship

If a relationship doesn't serve you, whether romantic or platonic, you should just let it go. Andi knows that Gary is toxic but continues to date him. At this point, anything that happens to her that’s related to him is on her. Because he didn’t tell her he had a wife/ex-wife or whatever that was. The wife/ex-wife tried to kill her. He tried to choke her out. He almost got her in trouble with the feds. He tried to take over her place of business to monitor the men she was around. I mean, what else does she need to move on finally? We can also use Maurice and Q as examples. Maurice knew Q was trash but still let him stay at his place after he was in jail for already trying to rob him before trying to steal from his place of work. Liiiiike? So, once those red flags start waving, and you see several of them, it’s time to go.

2. Family Isn’t Always Only Blood

Sometimes family can be toxic and that’s where good friends step in and become your support system. Even when families aren’t toxic, it may be easier to lean on good friends instead of relatives.

3. Cultivate Platonic Friendships

Don’t get a boo and then disappear on your friends. Work on your platonic friendships before you get into romantic relationships, and keep those friendships going even after because friends often will be there long after a romance dies.

4. Be Open to Finding Friendship in Unexpected Places

Making friends as an adult can be hard, but be open because you never know where you may find a new buddy. Think about Fatima. She was Andi’s assistant until it got rough for Andi. Remember when the feds came sniffing around, and Fatima stepped up and had her back? That’s how they became friends. Fatima is a real one and came through when Andi least expected it. It’s a good thing they keep in touch, even though Karen be tripping about it, you know, because of the Zac stuff, but whatever.

5. Sometimes Romantic Relationships Are Better Off Platonic

We all know that Calvin is in love with Sabrina but Sabrina can’t make up her mind about him. Any other man would have left her alone. However, Calvin still comes through for her when she needs support. They’re good together as friends and it’s time they both just come to terms with that.

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