Coco & Breezy Debut New Specs, Clothing Line \r

The designers are excited about extending their brand.

Twin wonders Coco & Breezy delved deep into their fashion inspirations in a new interview. The futuristic accessory designers helm the brand that celebs can’t get enough of. “It feels amazing that we have people that support our art. We don't give ourselves a limit, so the things we have accomplished make us happy, but never satisfied,” the style mavens tell
The duo will release a new line of sunglasses in September and they just recently returned from Paris, where the new glasses were used in a photo shoot for car company Renault.
With such distinct creations, the designers say that their creative process involves blocking out magazines and other forms of media to keep their styles organic. However, they do have one very influential mentor.
“French designer Jean-Charles de Castelbajac inspires us with his mentoring," say the fashion artists. "As a successful designer, he is making sure we are going in the correct path. One quote he told us was, ‘Be sure that every piece you create has a true meaning behind it.’ We also highly respect Alexander McQueen, Karl Lagerfeld and Marc Jacobs.”
Fans awaiting a ready-to-wear line from the sisters may not have to wait much longer. Coco & Breezy are busy working on a clothing line, but wanted to ensure their branding was on point before moving forward. “We feel that every designer has to start off with one category to brand themselves. Branding is very important when starting a line.”

(Photo: Ben Hider/Getty Images for IMG)

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