President Obama Feels "Odd" Wearing a Suit in Hawaii

President Obama Feels "Odd" Wearing a Suit in Hawaii. He typically opts for a more casual look when he visits his native state.

During the Asia-Pacific summit meeting over the weekend, President Barack Obama hosted a number of world leaders in Honolulu, Hawaii. Dressed in formal attire, Obama made note that this was a complete departure from what he normally wears whenever he's in his native state.
"In all my years of living in Hawaii and visiting Hawaii, this is the first time I've ever worn a suit," he said.
Never one to pass on an opportunity for a quick jest, he teased Russian President Dmitry Medvedev about his fashion choices.
"My understanding is that he's been spotted in a Hawaiian shirt, walking and enjoying the good weather," he joked with reporters during a meeting with Medvedev. "I don't know if anybody got pictures of this."
First Lady Michelle Obama was also dressed to impress in a pink and gray off-the-shoulder dress. But always on the quest to promote healthy eating and locally-grown produce, she took an opportunity on Saturday to tour Ma'o Organic Farms in rural Waianae and meet with the at-risk area youth who run it. They're employed for a three-year internship in exchange for community college tuition.

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