Popovich Called Trump A 'Soulless Coward' For Lying About Obama And Bush Not Calling Families Of Fallen Soldiers

Obama's former deputy chief of staff called it a "f**king lie."

Gregg Popovich has slammed Donald Trump before, calling the Celebrity-in-Chief's presidency "an embarrassment to the world" just last month.

But the San Antonio Spurs coach really mashed the dash on serving ether for Trump yesterday. 

After hearing Trump tell reporters that "President Obama and other presidents, most of them, didn't make calls [to fallen soldiers' families]" — an outright lie — Pop let the former reality TV star have it. 

“I’ve been amazed and disappointed by so much of what this president had said, and his approach to running this country, which seems to be one of just a never ending divisiveness," Popovich began telling The Nation. "But his comments today about those who have lost loved ones in times of war and his lies that previous presidents Obama and [George W.] Bush never contacted their families are so beyond the pale, I almost don’t have the words.”

And that was a preface to the ether that came up next.

“This man in the Oval Office is a soulless coward who thinks that he can only become large by belittling others," Pop continued. "This has of course been a common practice of his, but to do it in this manner — and to lie about how previous presidents responded to the deaths of soldiers — is as low as it gets. We have a pathological liar in the White House, unfit intellectually, emotionally, and psychologically to hold this office, and the whole world knows it, especially those around him every day. The people who work with this president should be ashamed, because they know better than anyone just how unfit he is, and yet they choose to do nothing about it. This is their shame most of all.”

Boom! The scathing remarks had people calling for Pop to replace Trump in the Oval Office and more with these reactions.

  • Pop dragging Trump to hell and back had people starting '#PopovichForPresident'

    We're not mad at this hashtag at all.

  • For the record, it's important to point out that Obama's former deputy chief of staff, Alyssa Mastromonaco, tweeted this after Trump's false comments ...

    She could have just called it #FakeNews the way Trump does.

  • Michael Rapaport Felt so strongly about the Spurs coach's comments that he recorded himself reading them out loud

    Talk to 'em.

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  • Popovich's comments were so powerful that he became #lifeGoals out here

    We second that.

  • His remarks also spawned this food for thought ...

    Exactly! If only ... sigh.

  • More than blasting Trump, Popovich's ether hit the president's enablers where it hurts


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