Luther Campbell “Dead Serious” About Political Career

The Miami mayoral hopeful reveals his campaign slogan.

Luther Campbell, formerly "Uncle Luke" of the seminal '90s hip hop act 2 Live Crew, wants to be absolutely definitive when it comes to the legitimacy of his attempt to become the next mayor of Miami-Dade, Florida.
"I'm dead serious," Campbell said in an appearance on CNN earlier today, calling the three-word maxim his "campaign slogan."
Campbell is one of 11 candidates seeking to become mayor of the bustling South Florida city, and he faces an uphill battle to say the least. Still, the 50-year-old civil activist and columnist for the Miami New-Times took note of his advantages.
"Name recognition goes a long way. The other candidates have to spend a lot of money trying to convince people that they're the right guy for the job, but I actually did the work in my community over the years," Campbell said.
The reformed raunchy rapper’s platform includes legalizing small amounts of marijuana, taxing adult entertainers and housing and transit reform. Acknowledging that some people may have difficulty casting a ballot for the author of such songs as "Me So Horny" and "Pop that Coochie," Campbell reiterated his commitment to community activism and asked not to be judged by the indiscretions of youth.
""It's not a publicity stunt under any circumstances. People who know me know that I have been working very hard in my community throughout the years," he said.
"I had my days having fun as a youngster, as a rapper, but at the same time I'm a freedom fighter."

(Photo: REUTERS/Jessica Rinaldi/Landov)

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