Tessa Thompson Gloriously Drags Lena Dunham For, Well, Being Lena Dunham

The 'GIRLS' star showed up for a #TimesUp photo op without doing any of the work.

The Time's Up movement is continuing to take over social media, spreading throughout the Hollywood community. One of the many women who have joined the fight is Thor: Ragnarok starlet Tessa Thompson, who has taken to social media to show both her support and involvement in the cause.

One of the photos she posted, however, quickly went viral as it featured a slew of Hollywood A-list actresses who were also involved, with Girls actress Lena Dunham standing in the corner. However, Thompson recently went on record to make it known that Dunham was just there for a photo op.

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The controversial moment first arose when the below photo — first posted by Thompson and reposted by Dunham — spread like wildfire, with many questioning Dunham's involvement as she hasn't been vocal about the aim of the movement.

  • In a response to several commenters who questioned why the Girls star was featured in the photo, in the first place, Thompson wrote a thorough response making a few things clear.

    "Lena was not anywhere present in our group during the countless hours of work for the last two months," she wrote, according to New York Magazine. "We hosted an open hour for actresses for red carpet messaging and Lena's presence was a surprise to us all. This is a time of reckoning. And for many, a re-education. So many women also have real work to do. I'm afraid it's too nuanced a conversation to have on this platform. But I hear you, and know that your thoughts and words are not lost on me. It's been discussed."

    Despite her clear remarks and outrage over Dunham's random self-insertion, Thompson seemed to recant her statement, bactracking in a responsive post she made on Twitter.

    "I sometimes lack finesse in navigating social media. Hard to discuss issues with nuance there," she wrote. "A response I made to comments on an Instagram post became fodder for a piece that I believe was designed to create conflict where there isn't any... I, in no way, want to diminish Lena Dunham and her work, her voice, and her important. We have spoken and she knows my heart."

    Read her statement, in full, below:

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