'Average Joe': Pam Is Closer to the Truth About Joe

Pam’s investigation gets a lot closer to home.

We pick up where we left off last week, with the standoff between Joe and Arina. In short, Joe manages to get away with Leon and Touch. Later on, the police come through to investigate. And Touch manages to come back, like he wasn’t just there. Dimitri’s watch was planted on one of the dead goons. So Touch suggests that it’s a revenge hit. He’s obviously trying to throw them off. And, for now, it seems convincing enough.

But we know they’re all screwed. Because Pam, annoyed that Touch didn’t mention that he knows Jen, Dimitri’s girl, demands to talk to Jen as part of her investigation. Meanwhile, Joe and his crew have been hiding out at Stan and Winnie’s unfinished hom that Joe has been working on. But Stan and Winnie show up to Joe’s actual home just as Arina is inside snooping. This doesn’t go well. Stan and Winnie are looking for Winnie’s purse. So they let themselves inside. There’s a standoff between them and Arina. Winnie immediately starts acting like a Karen, asking a million questions about who Arina is. And it doesn’t go over well.

Pam and Touch pull up to Joe and Angela’s house, looking for Jen, while Arina is still there with the fresh corpses. They notice the door is open — which Joe would never do. They enter with their guns drawn to scope the place out. Pam finds the bodies of Stan and Winnie  in the tub. But she tells Touch upstairs is clear. She obviously lies because she no longer trusts Touch. But she does remind him she still needs to speak to Jen. 

Let’s fast forward to the moment that happens. Pam basically tells them that she thinks professionals killed Dimitri. She believes that said professionals found out who Dimitri’s girlfriend was. And they decided to look into Joe’s family. She adds that she thinks they would have been killed if they were home with Stan and Winnie. Pam says what they all know, which is that Nicolai is not going to rest until he finds out who killed his son. But then she suggests they use Jen to draw Nicolai out to try to nail him. Joe and Angela say it’s a no. So Pam has to find another way. Later, Joe gives Touch a piece of his mind for not knowing about Stan and Winnie. Because Touch is all they have when it comes to law enforcement helping them cover their tracks.

Jen then reveals that she doesn’t think Nicolai knows about her. She’s reached this conclusion because Dimitri was weird about taking pictures and told her his parents were dead. Basically, if Nicolai knew about her, she would have gotten a visit. Angela suggests they run and tell Leon and Cathy to do the same. But Cathy reveals they found more license plate covers with clues about where the money is. They conclude the money is in the house.

Angela tells Joe that they’re not going to run after all. His new mission is to find the money.  Because their daughter got dragged into this. And that money may be the only thing that can save her.

We end on another frustrating note for Joe. He and his wife can’t get into their house. It’s now a crime scene and cops are all over it.

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