We Asked Real Women What They Would Do If They Found Out Their Baby-Daddy-To-Be Was Cheating

Would you stay?

Even if you don’t keep up with the Kardashians, we're all pretty familiar with Tristan Thompson's infamous cheating scandal that went down when Khloe Kardashian gave birth back in February. The ordeal earned him the nickname Tristan 'Third Trimester' Thompson since he is a repeated offender-- he broke up with the mother of his first child during the last weeks of her pregnancy too (and got together with Khloe...yikes!). But all jokes aside, Kardashian fan or not, the enitre situation was heartbreaking to watch.

If you do keep up, Sunday's episode showed the aftermath of how the whole thing go down and if you really keep up then you saw Khloe and Tristan happily together on Thanksgiving with their baby girl, True. So it's safe to say the couple are working on things. Of course the new mom has been catching heat, even from her sisiters, for staying with the 27-year-old serial cheater, but regardless basking in mommyhood and mending her family. 

We decided to take our own poll on whether real women would take a page out of Khloe's book and stay with a cheating babby daddy to try to fix things...or ditch him for good.

See the mixed reactions from real women below:

  1. Leave His Selfish, Cheating Ass Alone

    "That’s a tough one. You’re so emotional while you’re pregnant and don’t want to deal with any drama. So I probably wouldn’t entertain it, meaning address it at the moment. But I would definitely end up breaking up with him once the baby is born because of the betrayal during my most vulnerable time.

    Stress on the mom is essentially stress on the baby, and it just shows a sign of selfishness. So issa no for me. I know it would be really,really hard. But I would leave his selfish, cheating ass alone." -Lauren

  2. Although No One Should Expect Or Accept Cheating, Things Happen

    "I remember asking my dad my first real adult advice (ps- daddy's girl here- so I trust him to steer me in the best direction). Anyway, the question was, when I get married or in a committed relationship, is there a zero tolerance policy for cheating.  

    My father cringed, as I'm sure it's not a question any father wants to answer. However, it's also a scenario that no father can prevent. So, without hesitation, my dad said he wouldn't advise me to leave my husband right away. [He said] that although no one should expect or accept cheating, things happen. And no commitment doesn't come without challenge, and that relationships take work.

    However, he also said things should not go back to what they were 'right away,' and that your partner has to both feel your absence, as well as prove their worthiness back into your life. He said during this time apart, you can usually tell if someone is truly sorry, or just sorry for getting caught.

    The thing in Khloe's case that absolutely doesn't fly for me is how quickly things went back to normal for her and Tristan. But I guess if you're putting the love of your child first, and you want your baby to have the idea '2 parent home,'you make sacrifices. However, the way my blood pressure and my pride are set up — I personally don't think I could've forgiven my man that swiftly, if at all. I think Tristan's transition back into the Khloe's good graces has been too easy, but then again, that's just what we see on TV." -Soraya Joseph

  3. No Way I Could Stay!

    "I definitely would not stay. A man who cheats while you’re pregnant is worthless and he will probably do it again. It shows he doesn’t respect me or our union. I get Khloe wants to keep her family together, but Tristan is not the one. I could never fully trust someone again once they did that.

    I believe someone who is for me would never do that during such an important and would should be the happiest time of my life, like the birth of our child. Every time I think of the birth of my child I’ll be reminded of how I was humiliated by the father. No way could I stay!" -Ayana Gotay, 28

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  5. Cheating Is A Huge Breach Of Trust

    "It’s hard to know what to do in those shoes, but to me, staying in that relationship is not worth it. Cheating is a huge breach of trust and on such a public scale is humiliating. I also wouldn’t want my daughter to think it was ok to accept that kind of behavior from a partner.

    All relationships are different but they are not even married so what is worth saving? If I could raise the baby by myself, that’s what I would do. Seems like Jordy is doing that just fine." -Danielle Prescod, 30


  6. I Stayed

    "I stayed in my relationship after my BD cheated, but had the luxury of not having my business put on blast, so it was easier to work out in private.  Not to mention, we were 22 and 24, so my tolerance for bullshit was different back then.

    Idk how I'd take it in my 30's and w/ my business on TV, but I get the whole willingness to work things out for the kids. Most really won't get it til it happens to them." -J.M., 32

  7. It Was Done Way Too Many Times

    "It's a Negative for me. If he cheated once, that would probably be forgivable. It was done way too many times for me to be able to look past that." -Kim Cortes, 29

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  9. I am a therapist, and still don't believe I could do it

    "I am currently 6.5 months pregnant. I have been with my husband for 8 years and known him for 10 years. We met each other at the end of our teens, we survived college years, we learned the basics of adulting together. We have gone through so much. So no, I cannot imagine any universe were I could forgive him for cheating on me with multiple women in my current state, let alone while laboring. Like Khloe this is my first child. Being pregnant has been an absolute blissful time for me. I cannot imagine this life changing experience being tainted with something as awful as cheating. I cannot imagine being able to forgive the deep seeded betrayal that I would feel. I cannot imagine being able to recover from this even with the support of a marriage and family therapist.

    I am a therapist, and I still don’t believe I could do it. We couldn’t do it if he cheated on me when I wasn’t pregnant either. It’s not about being pregnant or not, it’s about the principles and values of the relationship being completely violated and irreparable to me. Truly, we would be done and the only bond we would share would be our child. 

    I know for some women staying would make more sense. Making it work makes sense to them. As a therapist, I know love can conquer so much. I know it is doable with a lot of work. But for me, after all this time with my husband, no matter how much I love him, I always would love me more and staying wouldn’t be an option." -Diandra Cano

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