Marilyn Mosby Sentenced to 12 Months Home Detention & 3 Years Supervised Release

The former Baltimore City State's Attorney was convicted by two separate juries on charges of perjury and mortgage fraud charges and also ordered to forfeit her Longboat Key, Florida condo.

On Thursday, May 23, former Baltimore City State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby was sentenced to 12 months of home detention, three years of supervised release, and 100 hours of community following perjury and mortgage fraud charges. CBS News reports that a federal judge also ordered Mosby to forfeit her condo in Longboat Key, Florida, during a forfeiture

The ruling follows Mosby’s conviction by two separate juries on charges of perjury and mortgage fraud charges after trials involving her personal finances for lying to a mortgage lender during the purchase of one of her Florida vacation homes. Mosby was accompanied by two teenage daughters dressed in white like their mother as the crowd chanted her name. Her ex-husband Nick Mosby, President of the Baltimore City Council, arrived later.

During the hearing, U.S. District Court Judge Lydia K. Griggsby argued that Mosby would not have been able to purchase the vacation home until she obtained fraudulent funds to procure the mortgage.

Ex-Baltimore Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby Convicted On One Count of Mortgage Fraud

“The defendant should not get to profit from her crime,” prosecutor Stephanie Williamson said.

“Without the home, she will be unable to earn rental income on the property to support herself and her daughters,” Mosby’s defense said during the hearing.

“Ms. Mosby is otherwise significantly in debt,” her defense team continued.

Siding with the prosecutors, Griggsby ordered Mosby to turn over 90 percent of the appreciated value of the vacation home once the property is sold. She will get the down payment of $47,600 back and 10% of the appreciated value of the home if the property is sold with profit.
Throughout the ordeal, Mosby has vehemently denied any wrongdoing and blamed her legal troubles on the attacks of Donald Trump’s administration after she charged law enforcement officials involved in the death of Freddie Gray, who died in police custody.

Leading up to sentencing, Mosby launched a public campaign seeking a presidential pardon from President Joe Biden, claiming she was unjustly convicted in her two trials. Her efforts garnered the support of the Randallstown branch of the NAACP Randallstown and from Rev. Bernice King, the youngest daughter of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King.

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