Ex-Baltimore Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby Convicted On One Count of Mortgage Fraud

The city’s former State’s Attorney was found guilty of filing a false mortgage application related to buying a vacation home but was acquitted on another charge.

Baltimore’s former State’s Attorney Marylyn Mosby was convicted on one count of mortgage fraud, USA Today reports.

On Tuesday (Feb. 6), a federal jury handed over a split verdict finding Mosby guilty on the charge of making a false mortgage application relating to the purchase of a condominium in Long Boat Key, Fla. 

In another charge, Mosby was acquitted of making a false mortgage application in connection to a vacation home she purchased in Kissimmee, Fla.

In a statement, Acting Special Agent in Charge R. Joseph Rothrock of the FBI's Baltimore Field Office said that Mosby’s actions did great harm to the public’s trust in government institutions.

“Ms. Mosby’s conduct undermines the confidence the public deserves to have in their government officials," Rothrock’s statement read. "The jury’s decision holds Ms. Mosby accountable for disregarding the laws she swore to uphold. The FBI works diligently to ensure that anyone who engages in fraud and corruption will be held accountable for their bad acts.”

Former Baltimore Prosecutor Marilyn Mosby Convicted On Perjury Counts

“We humbly respect the court’s considered rulings, opposing counsels’ zealous advocacy, and the wisdom of both jury verdicts in this case and we remain focused on our mission to uphold the rule of law," U.S. Attorney Erek L. Barron added.

According to the Associated Press,  Mosby and her ex-husband, Baltimore City Council President Nick Mosby gave emotional testimonies on the stand. The former top prosecutor said her ex-husband was embarrassed about their outstanding federal tax debt and lied to her about it.

Mosby also testified that she never made false statements and in good faith, signed the loan applications which was her first purchase of a property. She claimed that she trusted the advice of her husband and the real estate professionals who were involved in the deal.

Because she failed to disclose the tax debt on her loan applications, whether knowingly or unknowingly, it led her to be charged with mortgage fraud, prosecutors argued.  Prosecutors also alleged that she lied about receiving a $5,000 gift from her ex-husband, allowing “her to secure a lower interest rate.”

The verdict concludes another trial centered on Marilyn Mosby’s financial issues that garnered public attention. In November, Mosby was convicted on two counts of perjury, on two counts of perjury, finding that she lied about her travel business’ finances to access retirement funds improperly to buy two Florida homes.

During that trial, jurors found that Marilyn Mosby did not experience financial hardships during the pandemic and “ received her full gross salary of nearly $248,000 from Jan. 1, 2020 -Dec. 29, 2020, in bi-weekly gross pay direct deposits of nearly $9,200.”

Before her legal woes, Marilyn Mosby drew national attention as Baltimore’s State’s Attorney after she brought charges against  Baltimore Police officers for their alleged involvement in the death of Freddie Gray and her decision to stop prosecuting certain low-level crimes. She served two terms from 2015 to 2023 until she lost a reelection bid in the Democratic primary to Ivan Bates.

She faces a maximum sentence of five years in federal prison for each of the two counts of perjury. 

No date has been set for Marilyn Mosby’s sentencing.

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