DMX New York Home in Foreclosure

Darkman X blames estranged wife for financial troubles with his Mt. Kisco house.

DMX's Mt Kisco, NY home has been foreclosed on, and he blames his estranged wife, Tashera Simmons. 

"I told her she is living above her means, that you can't still live on the same block as Martha Stewart and Chevy Chase, you gotta downgrade," X told TMZ about his financial woes. "But she refuses to do so because the house is in my name. She doesn't give a f**k about my credit."

X has been working through some serious financial reorganization lately, including a chapter 11 bankruptcy filing, and reportedly he hasn't been living in the house since 2005. He said that Simmons agreed to take over the mortgage payments, and while he was in jail, she withdrew $100,000 from his bank account, but he doesn't know where the money went. The bank claims payments haven't been made on the house since 2008. His current bill: $258,927.

In an interview with The Breakfast Club last year, she explained that at one point she and X could put their hands on an upwards of $40 million, but their money became messed up from a combination of "bad decisions" and getting robbed allegedly by an accountant named Horace, who infamously (allegedly) stole from several Def Jam artists and then skipped town.

As of press time, Simmons had not responded to TMZ's request for a more recent comment about the house, but she has been on her Twitter praising God, and eating well she recently posted an Instagram pic of a succulent lobster and wine dinner.

Simmons and X have been married since 1999. His extramarital affairs have made headlines and she's written her own story, You Think You Know, but You Have No Ideaa book she promises is detailed, but not a tell-all.

In an attempt to make good on many of his financial issues X has been on the road touring again. is your #1 source for Black celebrity news, photos, exclusive videos and all the latest in the world of hip hop and R&B music.   

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(Photo: Reggie Collier / WENN)

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