WATCH!: Tour The State-Of-The-Art Prison Bill Cosby Will Serve Up To 10 Years

SCI Phoenix Prison, in Collegeville, PA, is not without controversy.

After being sentenced to serve the next three to 10 years of his life in a Pennsylvania state prison, we are already getting a glimpse into how Bill Cosby will be spending his every day in the new $400 million state-of-the-art prison that opened back in July. 

The 81-year-old is expected to serve out his sentence at SCI Phoenix, in Collegeville, Pennsylvania, although he could end up in a long-term medical care unit in the prison.

Here’s everything we know.

  • The maximum security prison sits on 164 acres inside double ring razor wire fences.

  • It is staffed by 1,200 full-time employees and can house up to 3,830 inmates. 

  • SCI Phoenix ditched manual key locks in exchange for electronic cell doors, which are monitored from a central location.   

  • The two-person cells feature bunk beds, storage lockers, a small desk, a stool, as well as, a stainless steel toilet and sink combo.

  • The prison has “limited access to water” and a restricted telephone policy, according to inmates in an interview with The Inquirer.

  • Programs offered include sex offender treatment, victim awareness and impact of crime classes.

Below is a video tour of the facility before its June opening.

Due to his fame, it is speculated that Cosby will be placed into solitary confinement, which means he will spend most of his day alone in a cell.

According to corrections spokeswoman Amy Worden, he will be free to bring a personal tablet for music or games, but will not have internet access.

The Daily Mail reports, the new prison is not without controversy. According to complaints by inmates, “hate crimes” have been reported, including a man’s belongings defaced with a swastika.

Other complaints include a lack of public seating and a yard policy that caused inmates to be locked back inside early if they leave the outdoor areas to use the bathroom.

According to Radar Online sources, Cosby is already reportedly been having a tough time adjusting. "He said he had a stale hot dog bun thrown at him and he fell down a few steps because he wasn't being guided."

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