Bloods And Crips Gang Members Call For Ceasefire In Honor Of Nipsey Hussle

Rival factions are moving toward peace over violence.

Just three months after his death, Slauson's fallen angel Nipsey Hussle’s impact continues to be felt within the communities he was a building legacy to remember. In spite of the tragedy of losing Nip, prominent LA gangs are making good on carrying out Nipsey’s dream of uniting the city, according to the Los Angeles Times.

  • Before his tragic passing, the Grammy-nominated rapper was reportedly going to meet with the Los Angeles Police Department to discuss ways to stop gang violence and curb youths from joining gangs. As someone who proudly represented and uplifted his community, the 33-year-old used his life to set an example and be a testament to the greater good that could be gained by uniting and fostering Black communities.

    Now, gang leaders are coming together to join hands and stop the widespread bloodshed that has historically plagued their communities. The publication reported that the Swamps Crips and Campanella Park Piru Bloods gang leaders enacted a cease-fire in April. Other gangs are currently discussing similar provisional agreements.

    “We’re going to carry what Nipsey wanted, what he was trying to preach in his songs,” said Shamond “Lil AD” Bennett, who was from the same Rollin’ 60s set as Nipsey. “It don’t make no sense that you’re fighting over a block that you don’t own.”

  • The LA Times reported that truces and peace treaties remain a touchy subject between rival sets. But gang members are laying the groundwork for measures that could possibly change communities across the country.

    Various peace talks have been going on between factions since various gangs across the country united together to celebrate their fallen brother days after his passing.

  • While years of animosity can’t be undone easily, current and former gang members are trying to paint a bigger picture for younger generations to learn from and hopefully end the cycle of violence. 

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  • “It’s a troubled past. A lot occurred, and we can’t heal that fast,” Lamar “Crocodile” Robinson, a Swamp Crip member, told the newspaper. “But it’s important for us to take the initiative and school the youngsters on what’s at stake and what they can gain.”

    The full LA Times report can be read here.

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