Monkeypox Disproportionately Affecting Black Men In Georgia

Some medical experts blame ongoing disparities in health care access, as the disease spreads quickly in communities of color.

As with many other public health issues, Black Americans are emerging as the racial group that has most disproportionately been impacted by monkeypox.

New data released Wednesday (Aug. 10) from the Georgia Department of Public Health indicated that monkeypox is infecting an overwhelming number of Black Georgians compared to other races, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports.

Black men are emerging as the group most vulnerable in Georgia to contracting this rare disease that was first detected among humans in 1970. DPH confirmed 749 cases in the state, though the actual number is probably much higher. Women accounted for just eight of the cases. Blacks accounted for an estimated 82% of the cases, in which demographic data was available. Whites accounted for just 14% of the cases.

There have been widespread misconceptions about the spread of the disease.

“A few weeks ago when this was circulating in Europe, this wasn’t even being talked about in our communities of color. And I think there was an initial perception that this was in, largely white communities and white, gay and MSM (men having sex with men) communities Dr. Jonathan Colasanti, an infectious disease specialist, told the AJC.

“But I just want our folks here at home to know that that’s absolutely not the case. ... And at this point in Atlanta, (monkeypox is) very heavily concentrated within communities of color, based on the early epidemiologic data we have.”

Many are blaming the systemic disparity in access to health care. “As with COVID, social determinants of health are going to continue to drive racial disparities with every new emerging public health threat,” Dr. Felipe Lobelo, an epidemiologist at Kaiser Permanente of Georgia and an associate professor at the Emory University School of Public Health,” told the newspaper.

Georgia is part of a larger pattern emerging of the monkeypox outbreak across the nation. A new analysis by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows monkeypox disproportionately affecting men who have sex with men – especially those who are Black and Hispanic.

RELATED: Black, Hispanic People Disproportionately Affected By Monkeypox According To Latest CDC Breakdown

By July 22, there were 2,891 cases of monkeypox reported in the U.S., around two months after the country’s first case was reported. Among the cases with available data, 94% were men who reported recent sexual or close intimate contact with another man. Approximately 54% of cases were among Black and Hispanic people, despite them combining for only about 34% of the general U.S. population. Additionally, the CDC analysis reveals that the share of cases among Black people has grown in recent weeks.

Colasanti said it’s important to raise awareness that monkeypox is most heavily affecting communities of color and that testing, treatment and vaccines are available.

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