Illinois Woman Thinks Black Lives Matter Is Focusing on the Wrong Problem

Peggy Hubbard does not agree with outrage of 18-year-old Mansur Ball-Bey's death and said outrage should be focused on the fatal shooting of Jamyla Bolden.

(Photo: Peggy Hubbard via Facebook)

An Illinois woman has found herself in the social media spotlight over her criticism against the Black Lives Matter movement, in a video she posted to her Facebook page.
Peggy Hubbard does not agree with recent outrage over 18-year-old Mansur Ball-Bey's death and said energy should be instead focused on the fatal shooting of Jamyla Bolden, a 9-year-old who was fatally shot at her Ferguson home last week.


In a video that went viral, Hubbard discusses the focus of recent demonstrations. "Last night, who do you think they protested for? The thug, the criminal, because they’re howling, 'Police brutality,'" Hubbard said. The video posted on Aug. 20 has been viewed more than 5.5 million times. "A little girl is dead. You say Black lives matter? Her life mattered. Her dreams mattered. Her future mattered. Her promises mattered. It mattered."
Hubbard went on to discuss her personal story, stating her son is locked up in prison, and she has no plans to go and visit. "I turned his a** in," she said.
"If you don’t care about me and your father working and putting in time and effort to raise you and be there for you. And we took note of everything you were interested in. And yet your stupid a** ends up in there. Then you belong in there. Don't drop the soap. That is what I told my son."
Overall Hubbard believes that progress in the Black community isn't going to come with hating the "police," "white people" and by "screaming racism." She said it starts with changing "your own Black life." 
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