Family Holds Funeral Service for Mansur Ball-Bey

The family of Mansur Ball-Bay, an 18-year-old who was shot and killed by St. Louis, Missouri police, was laid to rest Saturday after a moving funeral service held at the Christ Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church in North St. Louis.

The family of Mansur Ball-Bey, an 18-year-old who was shot and killed by St. Louis police, was laid to rest Saturday after a moving funeral service held at the Christ Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church in North St. Louis.
The ceremony was held in the tradition of the Moorish Science Temple of America, an Islamic sect of whom Ball-Bey and his family were members, according to the St. Louis American.

"He wasn't a thug, a dope dealer,” Grand Sheikh T. Irons-EL of Temple 5 said during the funeral. "He didn't learn from Lil Wayne. Mansur sat with scholars, including the likes of Dr. Umar Johnson." 
After the funeral, Ball-Bey's family and youth wore "I AM MANSUR BALL-BEY" T-shirts and followed the procession to Laurel Hill Memorial Gardens Cemetery, where he was buried.
An autopsy report released last week showed that Ball-Bey was shot in the back when he was killed by an officer, but police state that Ball-Bey was pointing a gun at them when he was shot.
Ball-Bey was killed on Wednesday Aug. 19 after officers raided a home in north St. Louis. His family refutes the officers' stories and says that Ball-Bey had just graduated high school and was heading to college. He held a steady job and didn't have a criminal record.
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(Photo: Dre Ungawaa via Twitter)

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