This Video of Sen. Kamala Harris Standing Up to Two White Male Senators Trying to Silence Her Is Everything

"Kamala 2020!"

Senator Kamala Harris of California became a household name when her persistence in the Senate Intelligence Hearing proved no, she will not be deterred in the face of misogyny. 

While questioning Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein — the man whose memo was first used to justify President Trump's firing of former FBI head James Comey — Harris used her skills as a former prosecutor to get a simple yes or no answer.

When asked if he'd give Robert Mueller, the special counsel overseeing the Russia investigation, full independence in his work, Rosenstein would not give a yes or no. When Harris pressed, just as many of her male counterparts have done in the past, she was interrupted not once, but twice. 

  • Several of Harris's colleagues showed their support for her resilience despite the disrespect she was given

  • When Chairman Burr tried to silence Harris, her facial reaction was recognized by women everywhere

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  • Immediately after she was interrupted, people rallied behind Sen. Harris for exhibiting fearless tenacity

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