'Sistas' Season 7: Gary's Most Dastardly Deeds

The first half of season seven saw Gary rapidly unravel.

As the saying goes, "If you lie, you will cheat. If you cheat, you will steal. If you steal, you will kill." These sins may apply to Gary, the villain of Tyler Perry's Sistas. From lies, to financial schemes and even violence, he follows in the tradition of nighttime drama's male supervillains like JR Ewing, but he might be so much worse. Let's take a look at his (best) worst moments from this season so far. 

The Panty Sniffer

The new year started off with a new season of Sistas and even more opportunities for Gary to gross us out. By now, Andi and Gary have moved on from each other. Gary is now with Penelope and Andi is dating Penelope's brother, Jordan 2.0. The four of them have a cordial double date at Andi's and in a bid to make a good impression, Gary makes a generous donation to Jordan's campaign. All seems well until Gary goes to the bathroom and begins snooping through Andi's dresser, where he pulls out a pair of her undergarments. Penelope walks in on him sniffing Andi's panties and, for lack of a better word, relieving himself. When Penelope confronts him, he says it's her fault for not having sex with him, despite her being very pregnant! 

'Tyler Perry's Sistas': Circle of Strife

The Embezzler

With his finances and business dealings under a microscope, Gary's deeds have far-reaching implications, especially for Andi. Gary, an "astute businessman" according to Andi (ha!), is being investigated by the FBI for embezzlement. During their relationship, Gary bought Andi a car and a penthouse, and if that money was obtained through shady means, then Andi is in trouble as well. Gary suspects it was possibly Jordan or someone associated with Andi who sicced the FBI on him. In the meantime, he steals Penelope's financial information, updating her life insurance policy and gaining access to all her accounts. 

The User

While plotting against Jordan and being rightfully paranoid at Penelope sorting through his office desk drawer, Hudson can sense how tense Gary is and offers him "something to take the edge off." Gary declines but says he might need it later. While Andi and Jordan are out at dinner, Gary waits outside in his car and does a bump of cocaine. He watches them, seething, as they leave the restaurant and pulls a gun from his console, aiming it at them as they drive off. 

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The Philanderer

On another double dinner date, this time with Hayden and Tamara, Gary and Tamara have a heated exchange while Hayden is escorting Penelope to the bathroom. It's apparent that Tamara and Gary don’t like each other, and Tamara overhears Gary talking about one of his many dastardly plans. In the midst of their confrontation, he calls her a gold digger. But he likes "bad girls" and grabs and kisses her, while his fiancée and Tamara's boyfriend are just down the hall.

The Saboteur 

Gary learns through his "sources" that Andi is about to represent Miss Marie Willis in a major divorce case and has Marie come to his office. Mary immediately senses evil, saying his office "smells of death and deception." He attempts to plant a seed about Andi to Marie, saying Andi is untrustworthy, lacks good judgment and is immoral and promiscuous. Marie isn't having it, saying everything he's trying to tell her about Andi applies to him. 

The Murderer?

Andi learns disturbing information from her private investigator and calls Penelope to her office. Gary's high school prom date went missing, and he might be responsible for it. Andi tries to make arrangements to get Penelope and her baby away from Gary. 

When Penelope questions Gary about the disappearance, he insists he had nothing to do with it, and wants Penelope to leave. But she's adamant about him finally owning up to something and refuses. After a struggle where she threatens to go to the cops, he throws her and she hits the ground, pregnant and all. There's blood everywhere and in the next episode there's a cleaning crew and no sign of Penelope.

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