DMX Pulled Over By Cops for Not Wearing Seat Belt

The rapper has another — minor—run-in with the law.

For a guy with a rap sheet like DMX, getting pulled over for a traffic violation is probably like throwing a log into a forest fire. But X did have to deal with the fuzz again last week when he was pulled over in Hollywood for, of all things, not wearing a seat belt.

This time around, however, there were no mug shots and no drama for Earl Simmons...just a ticket and a warning to remember to buckle up next time.

"Just a minor ticket, no biggie. A quick learning lesson about not wearing a seat belt. I will handle and pay for it," the rapper tells TMZ, rather maturely. "This would be the only reason I come in contact with the police because I am a changed man."

Looks like, this time, the cops believe him. is your #1 source for Black celebrity news, photos, exclusive videos and all the latest in the world of hip hop and R&B music.

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