The Struggle Is Real: Kim Kardashian Got Stranded In the Worst Place Ever

She was in desperate need of a rescue mission.

Whoever said it isn't hard being a pampered celebrity? Kim Kardashian's struggles are real, people, and here's the evidence: the reality star was trapped on the tarmac at Los Angeles airport in her private jet for what seems like one or two hours on Friday night while en route to Las Vegas for a nightclub appearance. 
The hostage situation (because, basically, isn't that what it was?) nearly cost her hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost wages. Thankfully, Kim was brave enough to Snapchat the ordeal so future generations of celebrities can learn from her experience.
"I steal Khloe's best friend for the night and this is the bad karma that I get," she captioned an image of herself next to Mallika Haqq, both women looking scared and weary. "Khloé's plane took off, its all very strange." Not as strange as the fact that they took two separate private plans to travel the 45 minutes from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, but we digress.
"Jet drama & I fell & almost broke my ankle #fun," she captioned an image of her injured foot in a bag of ice. Does Givenchy make Purple Heart medals? They really should.
Then, she got desperate: "Does Anyone have a plane they want to lend us? We promise well give it back," she promised. When hear pleas fell on deaf ears, she started to make threats while using a scary skeleton face filter. "You better get me a!"
Looks like someone finally came to Kim and Crew's rescue, because she was soon airlifted out of LAX and delivered safely to Las Vegas. We're told Marine guards and a grateful President awaited her on the tarmac.

This kind of sacrifice to preserve our freedom to party almost brings us to tears. Heroes like Kim Kardashian are what makes America great. We salute you, Kim.
But, she's not just a war hero, she's a diplomat as well. Watch BET Breaks below to see what we're talking about:

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