Making Lifetime Fitness Goals

Make exercise a lifestyle, not a short-term goal.

As the holiday season approaches, many people begin formulating their physical fitness goals. Whether it’s to lose 15 pounds of fat or build five pounds of muscle, the reality is that many fitness goals fall by the wayside as the year progresses. Also, many of these goals are short-term fixes to long-term problems.

During magazine and newspaper interviews, one of the most frequently asked questions is, “What’s the secret to maintaining a fitness program for over 30 years?” This is also a question that I’ve also asked longtime runners, walkers and bicyclists. These are the everyday people you’ve watched running or walking past your home or in the local park for the last several years. For us, fitness isn’t a New Year’s resolution; it’s a way of life. It’s built into our everyday living, like watching the six o’clock news or weekend sports.

Here are a few of our secrets.

Select a life-long sport that you’ll enjoy.

If you don’t enjoy running, try walking. If you don’t know how to swim, but always wanted to learn, take lessons. You’re never too old to learn a new sport. Also, don’t be afraid of being a multisport athlete, especially if you get bored doing one sport. One member, Deborah, was a non-athlete. She completed her first triathlon a couple days after her 52nd birthday. The race consisted of a 300-meter swim, 14-mile bike ride and 3.1-mile run. This was her first (ever) athletic completion. Now, this event has become her annual goal.

Select an activity that you can do alone or without assistance. If you require or rely on a partner, you may skip a workout because your partner isn’t available. Your partner’s excuse becomes your excuse.

Read more amazing tips on how to make exercise a lifetime hobby at BlackHealthMatters.Com.

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(Photo: GettyImages)

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