'What Goes Around Comets Around' – Hillary Clinton Leads Wave of Tweets Slamming Ex National Security Adviser Michael Flynn for Hypocrisy
On Monday evening, Michael T. Flynn, the national security adviser for Donald Trump, resigned amidst allegations surrounding a conversation he held with the Russian ambassador to the United States.
Flynn admitted to giving “incomplete information” regarding the telephone call to Vice President Mike Pence. According to the New York Times, Flynn has previously denied having any substantial conversation with the ambassador; however, many questioned whether Flynn had discussed sanctions against Russia during the December call.
Last month, the Justice Department warned the White House that Flynn was not telling the whole truth and he could be susceptible to Russian blackmail, according to a former administration official.
The White House then sent his resignation letter to reporters, who often questioned Trump’s administration about Flynn’s ties to Russian.
“Unfortunately, because of the fast pace of events, I inadvertently briefed the vice president-elect and others with incomplete information regarding my phone calls with the Russian ambassador,” Flynn wrote in his letter of resignation. “I have sincerely apologized to the president and the vice president, and they have accepted my apology.”
Philippe Reines, Hillary Clinton's former adviser, tweeted out a sly burn regarding Flynn's resignation and the #pizzagate scandal he and his son helped fuel
To which clinton more or less tweeted out a sentiment of agreement
In December 2016, Michael Flynn’s son consistently perpetuated the false claim and conspiracy theory that Clinton and her aides ran a child-sex ring out of a Washington, D.C., pizza shop.
The scandal became known as Pizzagate, and ultimately ended with a man entering Comet Ping Pong pizzeria and firing a loaded weapon to inspire police to investigate.
Subsequently, Flynn’s son, Michael G. Flynn, tweeted: “Until #Pizzagate proven false, it’ll remain a story. The left seems to forget #PodestaEmails and the many ‘coincidences’ tied to it.”
Former national security adviser Michael Flynn did nothing to refute the false claims.
Now that Clinton is no longer under 24/7 scrutiny, she has released her inner savage, and we are here for it
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