Outrage After NBA Commentator Says Russell Westbrook 'Is Out Of His Cotton Picking Mind'

Here's what the OKC Thunder had to say about the offensive remark.

While Russell Westbrook was busy snatching enough rebounds to solidify his triple-double average for the season on Wednesday night's game against the Memphis Grizzlies, an NBA announcer was getting dragged for using a Southern phrase many people find racially offensive. 

Brian Davis, a white announcer for the Oklahoma City Thunder, was calling plays during the game when Westbrook made an assist to his teammate, making him the first player in the NBA to average a triple double for two seasons in a row. 

  • Davis, who was clearly excited by Westbrook's stats, dropped a line that made viewers go wayment

  • The comment was not well received, to say the least

  • A spokesperson for OKC said they have talked to Davis about the offensive comment

    "We think obviously the use of that term was offensive and inappropriate, and I expressed that to Brian last night," Thunder Vice President of Broadcasting Dan Mahoney told The Transcript. "Brian assures me that it was not meant in any derogatory way, and he apologizes. But again, we feel strongly that it’s inappropriate and offensive."

    When asked if Davis, who is a full-time employee of the Thunder, will apologize for his comments on air, Mahoney said: 

    "That’s really up to Brian. Again, we’ve expressed to him strongly that it was offensive and inappropriate, and that’s all we can do for right now."

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