'Average Joe': A New Agent Enters Joe’s Chaotic Life

A new Russian agent figures out that Joe and his friends are responsible for killing Dimitri.

We start today’s recap with Joe, Touch, Leon, Angela, Jennifer and Cathy having a meetup. They’re upset that they didn’t find any money in the Lambo. Joe suggests that they all just go on living their lives like nothing ever happened and accept the fact that the money probably isn’t out there. Joe foolishly seems to think this is over. But obviously it’s not, especially not for Cathy.

Meanwhile, Pam is still leading the investigation. But the police are giving her a hard time. They believe that her mom is in jail for killing her partner on behalf of Nicolai. Pam maintains her mom’s innocence. But it does seem unethical that Pam would even be involved in this case. 

Either way, Pam gets a lead that the head was covered in artisanal peanut butter. This makes it easier to trace it back to whomever bought it. Not only that, but the store that it came from had a camera. This is all Leon’s fault, but it’s inevitably going to blow back on all of them.

'Average Joe': Joe’s Problems Get Bigger When The State Gets Involved

Another complication is that Nicolai tapped another agent, named Arina, to find out who killed his son and bring them to him. She has a really good incentive to succeed. Nicolai promised to reunite her with her daughter.

Arina gets leads quickly by first going to Dimitri’s apartment and connecting the dots that Dimitri and Jennifer knew each other. She also connects them to the towing company. She begins following Touch, Leon and Joe. The trio is on a mission to cover their tracks by collecting the footage from the health food shop where the artisanal peanut butter came from. It just so happens that the owner of the health food shop can see them breaking into his store remotely. He thinks it’s another routine people-trying-to-break-in-again situation. So he shows up to the store with a gun at around the same time the Russians do. Two Russian goons shoot the shop owner. Leon and Touch book it. But Joe, without his mask covering his face, looks dead at the shop owner on the ground begging for help and runs over to him. The goons then prepare to shoot him. But Arina actually shoots them dead, because Nicolai wants Joe alive. We end with her and Joe getting a first glimpse of each other in person.  .

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