'Average Joe': Joe Learns A New Term That Saves His Life

In episode 6, Touch puts Joe on to what it means to be a “shavy," which unexpectedly keeps him alive.

Joe and company are still staying at the Harris’ unfinished home and are trying to figure out a next move because if the money they’re looking for is at Joe’s house like they think, and the police find it first, then all they’re doing is for naught.

Let’s fast forward a bit.

Pam gets a visit from the governor and he asks her to walk away from the Nicolai case in exchange for her mom’s freedom. Yikes. We already know Pam is not about to walk away, but a request like this from the governor is nothing to play with. After telling the gov where to go, Pam soon learns that she’s off the case just before they get a 999 for an officer down.

'Average Joe': A Gripping Crime Drama with a Touch of Reality

It’s Touch. He got shot at what he thought was a traffic stop. He has some cracked ribs but is alert and stable. Pam pays him a hospital visit to inform him about the governor but also demands answers about Joe and his father’s involvement with the Russians. Touch doesn’t give her anything helpful, but she swears she can help Joe.

Joe manages to get back into his house and starts looking around for the money. One of the first things he finds is a deer head his father gifted his family years ago. But he gets caught by a cop who demands that he put down the deer head he’s holding. He tells the guy he thought shavies were taken off this detail. Basically, touch told them earlier that “shavy” was slang for on-duty officers. The “cop” asks, “what’s a shavy.” Obviously, he isn’t really a cop, so Joe impales him with the deer head. That’s just great, another dead body to deal with but the good news for once is, the money was in the deer head. It fell out after Joe’s most recent ordeal.

Pam shows up while Joe packs away the money and lets the fake cop bleed out. He enters a closet as she finds the fake cop dying and demands to know who sent him. He doesn’t reply but she quickly discovers he’s not a cop. She shows him a picture of Joe and asks if he’s the one who hurt him, the man nods, and she finishes the job.

Jen and Angela have been riding around with Leon all day. Later, Jen and Angela end up in a pharmacy to pick up the latter’s medication. Angela goes to the car, and Jen goes to the restroom first, but when she comes out, she finds Leon barely conscious, and her mom is nowhere to be found. Arina got her tied up in the trunk.

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