‘Tyler Perry’s Sistas’: Most Likely IRL Part 2 With Trinity Whiteside from ‘Sistas’

Trinity, who stars as 'Preston,' is back answering questions for the 'Sistas' Q&A series.

We’ve been doing this series for a few weeks now, where we post quick interviews with various cast members from Sistas about what they think their fellow castmates and/or the characters they play would do in various scenarios. Today, we have Trinity Whiteside, who plays Preston, back again, summing up what his castmates would do in real life, but as their authentic selves and not as their characters.

Who is most likely to ghost a date?

“That’s a tough one because in real life all the fellas are real gentlemen, so I don’t see anyone ghosting a date unless there’s a really serious reason to do so.”

Who is most likely to text “on my way” when they’re still getting ready?

Preston offered up Chido Nwokocha, who plays Gary and the reason why is because he’s guilty of having done it several times. Cheers to learning from experience.

Who is most likely to move to a different country?

Kevin, Kevin is any time I see him he’s usually in a different country. - he’s been in several places, a man of the earth and likes to experience different cultures and lands. (Kevin plays Aaron)

Who is most likely to cry because of a sad movie?

Preston offered up himself as tribute.

Who is most likely to wear a three-piece suit to a bbq?

Brian Jordan Jr, who plays Maurice. According to Preston, you should probably follow him because he has a nice sense of style and he’s always dressed for whatever the occasion may be.

Who is most likely to marry someone they just met?

Preston gave us himself, based on his actual experience. He has been married for almost 21 years but married his wife just a few months after having met her.

Not all of the written responses are verbatim so you should check out the entire video.

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