Florida's Governor's Race Is Now Close Enough To Initiate An Automatic Recount

The margins between Andrew Gillum and Ron DeSantis are within 0.47 percent.

The governor’s race in Florida is reportedly headed for a recount.

Democrat Andrew Gillum trailed Republican Ron DeSantis by less than 39,000 votes, or 0.47 percentage points, as of early evening Thursday (November 8). A recount is automatically triggered if the margin comes below 0.5 percent.

Gillum, the former mayor of Tallahassee, conceded the race Tuesday night before 11 p.m. after results appeared to show him too far behind DeSantis to make up the difference.

Thousands of votes remained untallied though and over the next two days, the margins gradually shrank. As of this morning, DeSantis’s lead was just 42,948 votes out of 8,189,305, which is equal to 0.52 percent of the vote.

Florida law requires an automatic machine recount in any race where the margin is less than half a percentage point. Thousands of ballots still remain uncounted, so it’s too soon to technically declare victory.

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