Ilhan Omar Wins Democratic Primary for Minnesota's 5th Congressional District

The ‘Squad’ rep. defeated Don Samuels again.

On Tuesday (Aug. 13) Ilhan Omar defeated her repeat challenger Don Samuels in the Democratic primary for Minnesota's 5th Congressional District, according to CBS News.

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The Associated Press called the race. According to unofficial results from the Minnesota Secretary of State's office, Omar won by 13 percentage points. She received 56.2% compared to Samuels' 42.9%.

"I am incredibly honored by this victory tonight," Omar said to a crowd of supporters on the patio of a Minneapolis restaurant yesterday. "I am honored to represent the people who welcomed me and my family as refugees to this incredible state."

The Squad rep., who is in her third term, and Samuels ran against each other for the first time in 2022 when Omar defeated him by 2,500 votes.

"We had a close call and that inspired many people who are on the fence to think with a little more of their help, we could have won," Samuels said of his 2022 loss. "That feeling of regret and apology turned into energy and people jumped on board in a way that I've never seen before." 

Omar is the first Somali American in the U.S. Congress and the first woman of color to represent Minnesota. She is also among the first two Muslim women to serve in Congress.

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