Just Embarrassing: Watch E! Reporter Confuse Jenifer Lewis for Wanda Sykes

Sibley Scoles is getting dragged for this.

E! News doesn't have the greatest track record when it comes to recognizing and respecting Black Hollywood, and the addition of a new Black host, Sibley Scoles, doesn't seem to have helped matters much.
During her red carpet coverage of the Primetime Emmy Awards last night, Scoles blatantly called veteran actress and Black-ish star Jenifer Lewis by the wrong name — Wanda Sykes, to be exact — to her face, and then looked positively mortified by her on-air mistake. She's getting roasted on Twitter for the gaffe, which was caught in its entirety on tape.

See how it went down, and Jenifer's priceless reaction, below:

Twitter was quick to point out the mistake:

Scoles hopped on Twitter soon after to offer up her apologies:

To make matters worse, it's the second time Scoles had made a similar mistake in less than 12 hours. The day before, she confused Tupac Shakur's death anniversary with his birthday:

Sounds like Sibley Scoles has one more strike, or she's out — at least as far as Black Twitter is concerned.
Catch up with Jenifer Lewis — correctly identified — in our throwback red carpet video from the Urbanworld Film Festival, above.

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