Morgan Freeman Ponies Up $1 Million for Pro-Obama Super PAC

Morgan Freeman says President Obama has achieved much under difficult circumstances and urges others to help fend off attacks from well-funded super PACs.

Oscar-winning actor Morgan Freeman donated $1 million in June to the Priorities USA Action super PAC that supports President Obama's re-election bid. June has so far has been the group's best month, and it reported raising $6.1 million. Still, it is nowhere near the $20 million raised that same month by Restore Our Future, one of the super PACs behind Republican Mitt Romney.
The disparity in funds is what led Freeman to make such a significant contribution, which he says is necessary to fend off multi-million dollar attacks on the president and his record funded by "special-interest money." The actor said the PAC protects the values he believes in and he hopes others will join him supporting the group.
"President Obama has done a remarkable job in terrible circumstances," he said in a statement. "He has ended combat operations in Iraq, put in place sensible reforms of Wall Street, saved the auto industry and protected the healthcare of every American with a preexisting condition. He has recognized the full equality of all our brothers and sisters and placed impressive, accomplished women on the Supreme Court. In return for this he is being targeted by hundreds of millions of dollars in special-interest money. I for one am proud to lend my voice—and support—to those who defend him."
Other Hollywood heavyweights who've contributed to Priorities USA include producer Jeffrey Katzenberg, directors J.J. Abrahms and Steven Spielberg, and comedian Bill Maher.
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(Photo: Larry Busacca/Getty Images)

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