White Cop Who Killed Antwon Rose Accused of Instability, Violence, And Misconduct As UPitt Officer

Activist Shaun King says Michael H. Rosfeld was known as a "f***ing nut job" at his previous job and fired.

The East Pittsburgh police officer who fatally shot 17-year-old Antwon Rose II on Tuesday was recently identified as Michael H. Rosfeld. Once Rosfeld’s name became public knowledge, rumors surrounding the 30-year-old’s alleged violent history as an officer were trending on Twitter.

According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Rosfeld left his last job at the University of Pittsburgh police after authorities discovered discrepancies between the officer’s sworn statement and evidence in an arrest. In January, Officer Rosfeld left the university police department after the Allegheny County District Attorney’s office withdrew all charges he’d pressed against three men accused of fighting in a bar.

In December, Rosfeld wrote a criminal complaint accusing three men — Timothy Riley, 24, Jacob Schilling, 24, and Daniel Humphrey, 26, — of "extremely belligerent yelling" at the officer, the owner of a bar where they were kicked out and a bar employee.

Although the men were charged with simple assault, defiant trespass, disorderly conduct and public drunkenness, the charges were dropped on Dec. 21 due to inconsistencies in Rosfeld’s report.

“We didn’t think we could sustain our burden of proof based on the evidence available,” district attorney spokesman Mike Manko told the Post-Gazette.

  • According to Pitt News, Rosfeld worked as a University of Pittsburgh police officer for five years

  • Activist Shaun King alleged Rosfeld was fired from the Pitt job because of his violence towards students

    While Shaun King asserts that Rosfeld was fired, university spokesman Joe Miksch has not confirmed whether the officer was fired or resigned.

  • Additionally, the university of Pittsburgh has released a statement saying they will not speak about his history to avoid interference with the case

    Rose's parents have spoken out about their son's killing and action they hope is taken against the officer. 

    According to WTAE-TV, Michelle Kenney and Antwon Rose Sr. told ABC News Rosfeld was completely wrong.  

    "He murdered my son in cold blood. If he has a son, I pray his heart never has to hurt the way mine has but I think he should pay for taking my son's life. I really do. I think he should pay for taking my son's life," Kenney told the news station. 

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