Formula One Driver Lewis Hamilton Is Getting Blasted For Shaming His Nephew On IG By Saying 'Boys Don't Wear Princess Dresses'
Oh, Lewis Hamilton ... you're gonna learn today!
The Formula One driver has been getting thoroughly blasted on Twitter after he recently posted a social media video shaming his nephew for wearing a princess dress.
"I’m so sad right now, look at my nephew," Hamilton says in the Instagram video, which has since been deleted.
He then pans the camera around, showing the boy wearing a pink princess dress, before asking his nephew: "Why are you wearing a princess dress? Is this what you got for Christmas? Why did you ask for a princess dress for Christmas? Boys don’t wear princess dresses."
For that, especially the last part, Hamilton is being dragged to hell and back with these zero-chill reactions.
Here's The Video that got people heated and furious at Lewis Hamilton
Shaking our heads.
And people immediately let the formula one racing star know that boys can wear whatever they want
Got that, Lewis?
For some, Hamilton's words to his nephew triggered their own painful memories about being told similar things
You did this to yourself, Lewis.
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Hamilton got accused of having a case of 'toxic masculinity'
Do you agree?
That being said, at least one person actually agreed with Hamilton
but anyone agreeing with the driver was drowned out quickly
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People were so upset that they demanded an apology from Hamilton
Let him know!
The intense backlash drove Lewis Hamilton to offer this explanation for the video before extending his 'deepest apologies'
Apology accepted or nah?