Michelle Obama to Speak at Angelou Memorial Service

First Lady Michelle Obama will deliver remarks at Wake Forest University event to honor author and civil rights activist Maya Angelou.

WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (AP) — First Lady Michelle Obama will add her voice to those honoring Maya Angelou at a memorial service for the poet and author this weekend.

The White House said Thursday that Mrs. Obama will deliver remarks at the event honoring Angelou on Saturday at Wake Forest University in Winston Salem, North Carolina.

Angelou died last week at her Winston-Salem home at age 86. She was known worldwide as a literary pioneer and civil rights champion.

Saturday's service is closed to the public, but Wake Forest is streaming it online at

The school says Angelou's family will be planning additional events in other cities across the country. That information will be released later.

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(Photo: Brad Barket/PictureGroup)

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