YSL RICO Defendant Issues Class Action Lawsuit Against Fulton County Sheriff's Office

Young Stoner Life affiliate Shannon Stillwell called the jail’s conditions “inhumane and life-threatening.”

The YSL RICO trial concluded earlier this month, but new updates are arising from the case.

According to FOX 5, defendant and Young Stoner Life affiliate Shannon Jackson, also known as Shannon Stillwell, and former Fulton County Jail inmate, Nkenegen Hambrick, filed a class-action lawsuit against the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office last Tuesday, December 24. With Fulton County Sheriff Patrick Labat and Chief Jailer John Jackson also listed as defendants, it’s alleged that detainees have endured “serious harm by the cruel and unusual conditions of confinement” as a result of unsanitary living conditions, widespread violence, decomposing infrastructure, and overcrowding.

With prevalent issues like convicts making homemade weapons out of deteriorating infrastructure, fragmented cell door locks, and insufficient classification processes for separating inmates according to their risk levels or gang affiliations, the complaint presents a dismal depiction of life inside the facility. According to the lawsuit, these oversights have resulted in fatalities, injuries, and acts of violence.

Jackson was the victim of two stabbing attacks in 2022 and 2023, which were partly caused by alleged insufficient staffing and improper security measures. Due to an unclean and insect-infested environment, Hambrick, who was imprisoned from January to June 2023, developed serious wounds and sores. According to medical records, Hambrick experienced mental health issues and untreated skin ulcers while behind bars.

The lawsuit's parties demand, among other things, pest control and sanitation procedures, monetary damages and punitive damages, and declaratory and injunctive relief to address jail protection and cleanliness.

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