Florida Sheriff And His Wife Become Tik Tok Stars With Horrifying Racist Videos

One offensive video has over a million views.

A Florida sheriff's deputy and his wife have become stars on the popular social media app Tik Tok by posting deeply offensive, racist videos, the Daily Mail reports.

Michael Dilks and his wife Heidi Dilks, a medical technician, have posted videos to their 60,000 followers that include Heidi playing Black stereotypes while her husband, in his uniform, arrests her.

The Daily Mail reports that Dilks "is seen in his green Indian River County Sheriff's uniform and using his marked SUV while he and his wife, medical tech Heidi Dilks, lip-sync to hip hop tunes or to lines from black actors that use a variety of racists and sexist terms like the n-word and bi**h."

Dilks admits he made a few of the videos while on duty, but that "95 percent of them" were made on his own. He also says that his intention was not to be racist, but to show law enforcement in "a positive light."

The majority of the Dilks' followers come from a town called Vero Beach, just north of Palm Beach.

  • "This is straight out racist," local NAACP chapter president Anthony J. Brown, a retired corrections officer, said to the Daily Mail after he saw the Dilks' videos. "They even imitate a black man going to jail. It's conduct unbecoming a police officer, it's inappropriate, unprofessional, disrespectful, demeaning and just plain stupid. It pounces on every stereotype and portrays an entire group of people negatively."

    Brown adds, "And coming from a law enforcement officer, it's even worse if you consider the context of police brutality against our people."

    Neither Dilk's supervisor, Sheriff Deryl Loar, or Major Eric Flowers, the agency's public information officer, responded to emails for comment.

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