Spoiler Alert: This Is How Kylie Jenner Will Allegedly Announce Her Pregnancy

It's KarJenner tradition!

If you, like us, have been eagerly awaiting photographic proof that Travis Scott really did "plant that seed," you'll be pleased to know the next opportunity for a reveal is fast approaching. 

With promos that KarJenner news "so big" that it needed two consecutive nights of episodes, we can't help but think it's finally time to clear the air about whether or not Kylie Jenner's womb is ocupada.

In a teaser from the upcoming episodes of Keeping Up, which will air this Sunday and Monday, they seem to be very excited about some ~big~ news. 

However, since we now have trust issues from the lackluster Christmas special/card ordeal, we can't say for sure. 

But every other KarJenner baby, with the exception of Khloe's cute new bump, has been revealed on Keeping Up. Even as recently as Kim confirming her third baby via surrogate on the show (said surrogate baby is still in utero)!

They show some sort of reveal and Kylie on a FaceTime call. The reveal in question is most likely Khloe's, as Malika is shown crying and Kourtney is shown (for the first time ever) expressing genuine surprise and joy. (Please be advised — there's a chance Malika could be crying due to Kylie's Alleged Fetus. On account of the surrounding circumstances. You get the idea. Don't make us go there.)

Don't feel like devoting a full two hours of your life to watch a heavily made-up family consume giant salads and bite each other's decor? Keep it locked here, where we'll Keep Up so you don't have to! 

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