WAYMENT! Someone Is Selling Ciara’s Prayer For Russell Wilson On Amazon?!

Our prayers have been answered!

We’ve seen some pretty bizarre things, but not quite like this. Someone spotted a book on Amazon entitled Ciara’s Prayer: The Prayer Ciara Prayed For Russell Wilson by one Bradley Ramsey. Talk about hustle game strong!

Like, did sis even know that this book was being written?

Check out the screenshot below: 

You know people had some ish to say about it. Comments were left on a post of the screenshot like, “We said Ciara not Bradley.. This prayer gone get you stuck with a great value Russell, I’m good luv.”

Back in 2016 the Goodies singer shared with Essence Magazine that she prayed for a God-fearing man before she got with Russell. 

"I remember telling my friend the kind of guy I wanted: a God-fearing man with a very fun spirit who loves kids and would really, truly care for me," the 32-year-old said. 

This isn't the only praying Ciara did. When Future opened up he said he and Cici prayed after they had sex. Seriously. 

"We prayed afterwards though. After we did it, we prayed. That's a true story," admitted the Maskoff rapper. 

Seems like homegirl likes to pray.

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