The Internet Got A White Misogynist All The Way TF Up Outta Here After She Came For This Beautiful Dallas News Anchor

Even Chance The Rapper chimed in on Jan, the quintessential black woman critic no one asked for.

Meet Jan.

  • Jan’s big mad about the body she doesn’t have. She’s also excellent in turning maliciousness into victimhood with the drop of a hat.

    You see, Jan recently took offense to Dallas WFAA Channel 8 traffic anchor Demetria Obilor’s uh body and claimed she looked “ridiculous” in a “size 6 dress.” On Facebook, she posted a pic of Obilor and a status she’d soon regret.

  • So, let me get this straight… You’re mad at a news anchor for wearing a dress you think is too small? Then claim no one is saying anything about it under the guise of political correctness?

    The only politically incorrect thing we may say about Demetria is WOWZA. Girl is #BodyGoals beyond belief.

    In the words of Cam’ron: U MAD!

    Oh, and it wasn’t over. Remember when I said she could turn into a victim on the drop of a hat? She soooo went there.

    After receiving a bunch of social media backlash from every which way, hater Jan tried to pull a pivot and claim everyone else besides her is racist and yo, this was the best: she even claimed to not notice Obilor was black.

    “I recently put up a post about the way a lady on Channel 8 dressed, who happened to be black,” she wrote in a follow-up post on Facebook, according to Ebony. “Frankly, I didn’t even notice that she was black. I was shocked that Channel 8 w0uld put someone on the air that dressed so provocatively. The racist mafia did not appreciate the criticism and now they are harassing me. I just blocked about 50 of them. I will continue to block as time allows. If you happen to notice any of their posts, just ignore them. I don’t know then and they don’t know me.”

    Riiiiiight. The “racist mafia” is after you and they’re racist. And hey, don’t try to come after her white fragility or she’ll block you too!

    Also, love the part where she says “I don’t know then (it’s them, stupid) and they don’t know me.” Oh, you mean like that traffic anchor, who you clearly don’t know (or know the accurate dress size of)? LOL.

    Chance The Rapper even got involved in reacting and called Jan “BIIIIIIG MAD.”

  • Luckily, Demetria responded (even though she didn’t have to) and just stiff-armed Jan and all the haters.

    “This is the way that I'm built. This is the way I was born. I'm not going anywhere, so if you don't like it, you have your options,” she said via a video she posted to Twitter. “Now, to the people who show love: I love you right back.”

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  • Demetria is kind of becoming our new favorite news anchor. If there’s any thanks to Jan, it’s that she brought the young star to everyone’s attention.

    Jan, you stay losing.

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