Report: A 3rd Sex Tape With R. Kelly And An Underage Girl Has Been Revealed

Attorney Michael Avenatti confirms that the video will be turned over to Chicago law enforcement.

According to Hollywood-recognized lawyer Michael Avenatti, an alleged sex tape showing Chicago R&B artist R. Kelly sexually abusing yet another underage girl has been placed on his radar, which he allegedly told the New York Daily News “would be a third and distinctive other tape.”

Avenatti, the latest attorney tasking himself with taking down the proven sexual predator, initially announced the existence of a second sex tape last week, which he said to have possession of and turned over to Chicago’s Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office, The Grio reports. In an official statement that he shared to Twitter, the details of the video evidence were gruesome and noted the underage girl’s age as 14. “The VHS videotape of Mr. Kelly depicts him engaging in multiple sexual assaults of a girl fourteen years of age,” the statement reads. “On this tape, Mr. Kelly engages in oral, anal and vaginal sex with the young girl in two separate rooms in his home on two separate days.”

In another statement, he clarified that the video evidence was not the same one from Kelly’s 2008 child pornography case, which Lifetime's Surviving R. Kelly documentary revealed had involvement with the then-14-year-old niece of Kelly's close collaborator and R&B singer Sparkle. But the newly discovered video evidence also empowered Avenatti’s full confidence that a third tape was out there somewhere. Judging by his latest update to the case, he might be spot on, too, after announcing that his team is now aware of such evidence.

See his one step closer to a possible R. Kelly indictment and how the internet feels about it all below:

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