Terry Crews Says He Was 'Groped' By A 'High Level Hollywood Executive'

The alleged incident took place just last year.

News surrounding Harvey Weinstein’s fall from grace has encouraged many celebrities to open up about their personal experiences with sexual assault at the hands of Hollywood executives. Actor Terry Crews is one of the latest to come forward with shocking claims of misconduct.

  • In a lengthy series of tweets, the Brooklyn actor revealed news of Harvey Weinstein’s sexual assault/misconduct allegations reminded him of a similar experience he encountered while attending a party with his wife last year.

  • Crews went on to discuss his stunned reaction to being inappropriately touched and what calmed him down from getting violent with the perpetrator.

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  • Not stopping there, Crews recounted conversations he had with others who worked closer with the executive that touched him and was stunned by what he’d discovered. He also mentioned a conversation he had with the exec after the incident allegedly occurred.

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  • Crews went on to lend his sympathy to victims of sexual assault and why many victims refuse to come forward.

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  • Terry Crews closed his stunning series of tweets by offering a bit of hope to those affected by sexual assault or misconduct in the workplace.

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  • How brave is Terry Crews to come forward? Hopefully Hollywood does a serious investigation into the mistreatment of its stars as more shocking claims of abuse come forward.

    See more celebrity news with BET Breaks, above.

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