'Average Joe': Joe’s Problems Get Bigger When The State Gets Involved

In episode 3, Dimitri's detached head unleashes more chaos on Joe and his crew.

Leon, Joe, and Touch have to pretend they didn’t just kill a bunch of high-ranking members of the Russian mafia, so they have to get back on their daily schedules. But at the same time, they’re all still on a mission to find that hypothetical $10 millie out there.

It’s Touch’s day off, but he gets a call to help investigate a hit. Touch is shaken because this is related to the head found at the golf course. That head belongs to Dimitri, whom they were supposed to dispose of efficiently; this one is specifically on Leon. This is no longer a local police case, the state police got it now, and Sgt leads it. Pam, Touch, Leon, and Joe are even more up the creek. Touch is then tasked with finding the body that the head is attached to. Joe tells him to make sure they misplace the head, but this is above Touch now.

Cathy, Leon’s wife, who has watched one too many true crime shows thinks she has everything under control. She said Joe’s father’s key opens the safety deposit box at the bank where she used to work and is making the assumption that there’s money in there. Later, we find a key to a Lambo and a compass. The car is in a police impound lot, but they think the money may be in there, and they need to figure out how to get it out. Hold that thought.

Pam goes to visit her mom in prison. We find out that her mom used to be a cop but was framed for murder by the Russian mafia. The connection isn’t fully clear because Pam is trying to get info, but her mother isn’t interested in talking to her for her survival behind bars. You know how people feel about cops.

By now, Dimitri’s pops, Nicolai, knows his son’s fate because the people who initially found the head put it all over social media and are on the warpath. Another complication is that Joe’s daughter, Jen, doesn’t seem to believe Joe’s story about Dimitri and will probably go rogue at some point.

Back to the impound lot. Joe and company have devised a plan to get the Lambo out, which works. But they did all that and still can’t find any money. Now they’re distraught and panicked. Angie says the key had to have been left for a reason, but Joe, thinking about how his dad has always been, says his dad was probably just being an asshole.

In an interesting twist of events, Nicholai murders his wife because he can’t bear to see her in pain over her son’s death, and we end on that reminder about who Joe and company are missing along with.

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