Condoleezza Rice Is First Black Female Accepted Into Augusta National Golf Club

The 80-year-old organization has finally opened its doors to women.

(Photo: Birmingham News/Joe Songer /Landov)

Condoleezza Rice, the first Black female secretary of state, has just busted through another barrier. Eighty years after it opened, the prestigious Augusta National Golf Club has finally decided to let women join its roster with the admittance of Rice and business executive Darla Moore.
"I have visited Augusta National on several occasions and look forward to playing golf, renewing friendships and forming new ones through this very special opportunity," Rice says. "I have long admired the important role Augusta National has played in the traditions and history of golf. I also have an immense respect for the Masters tournament and its commitment to grow the game of golf, particularly with youth, here in the United States and throughout the world."
According to an interview she did with Golf Digest, Rice said she took up the pastime seven years ago at the age of 50 as a relief from West Wing stress. She also plays tennis, follows professional football and is a member of four other golf clubs around the country.
Rice and Moore will receive their green jackets when the club opens in the fall. always gives you the latest fashion and beauty trends, tips and news. We are committed to bringing you the best of Black lifestyle and celebrity culture.
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